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HOPE (Helping Other People Everywhere) Volleyball is a fundraising event held every year in Ottawa, and is the largest volleyball tournament in Canada.  With more than 25,000 people participating through playing, volunteering or spectating, the event is not only a great time, but also helps 6 charities every year.  HOPE has donated over $3.5 million to charities in the Ottawa area.

‍‍‍‍‍‍THE CLIENT‍‍‍‍‍‍

We wanted to create a striking campaign to catch peoples eye, so we used a selection of powerful player images, and created 3 different colourways. A custom geometric illustration overlay was created for each player to play on the idea that we are all connected, and we all need help sometimes.  And that is what HOPE does best, helps people.


Create assets for marketing, promotion, social media, and event. For such a large (the worlds largest one day volleyball tournament) event, there are many moving pieces and a lot of ‍co-ordination was needed.‍‍‍‍‍‍


Artwork Tanya Cull
Art Direction Lissa Constantine
Campaign Production Greg Cosgrove
Typography Greg Cosgrove



Campaign Concept & Illustration

A campaign to symbolize our connections and the support we all need—showcasing how HOPE helps people thrive.